The Duero River, which gives its name to the appellation of origin ‘Ribera del Duero’, is closely related to the origin of the vineyard and wine.
Being called “Alto Duero” wine area it has 110 km long and 30 km wide. It includes the municipalities of Burgos, Soria, Valladolid, Segovia and has the Duero River as the central axis. More than two thousand years, the inhabitants of the Duero basin used its channel to exchange goods, including wine, as evidenced by the mosaic with bacchic allegories of the population de Valdearados.

In the Valley of the Duero settled from the 11th century religious orders founded numerous monasteries in its banks. The monks planned Valley viticulture teaching the new technique and since then, and until today, has been the cultivation of the vine. But the revelation of the possibilities of wines from the Ribera arrives with the creation of the Ribera del Duero D.O. in 1982.
The Ribera del Duero is characterized broadly by a low rainfall (400-600 mm) together with dry summers, rigorous and very long winters accused temperature fluctuations. The soils are clay alternating with limestone layers.